The Inheritance Games – Book Review *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Rating: 5 out of 5.
I REPEAT MAJOR SPOILERS, READ THE BOOK. The whole plot and mystery of the book will be ruined for you. Just read the book knowing nothing. HELLO? Well, I warned you…..


Can we all agree that she kissed the wrong brother and Jameson kind of sucks ( like really sucks) for most of this book?

Anyways, I’m getting ahead of myself.. Let’s go one by one.

The Mystery and Writing.

THAT WRITING THOOO. The clues and puzzles were descriptive but they were so interesting. Every twist and turn surprising me. I was on the edge of my seat the whole book guessing with our MC. FANTASTIC. All the characters had personality and depth. From the first chapter, I was hooked. I couldn’t put the book down. Even when she got that money, which I knew was coming, I gasped. The whole time, it felt like I was the one in a mansion with shady brothers and even shadier mother…

The love triangle? Which is really just Greyson and Avery being superior.

Ok. Ok. I don’t like Jameson. I felt kind of bad towards the end of the book because he saw Emily death (Emily is another story, SHE IS CRAY CRAY) but most of the book, he was a total jerk. First charming and endearing with him helping Avery with the puzzle. But you then realize that he was just using her for the puzzle. WHEN SHE KISSED HIM AND HE REALLY IMMEDIATELY STARTED TO TALK ABOUT THE PUZZLE. I never wanted to strangle a man more then I did in that moment.

Jameson likes the idea of Avery, he uses her as puzzle piece the game but Greyson likes her for her.

Also Greyson is fundamentally better. I mean Bad boys always win.

EX: Kyo from fruit basket, Rysand for ACOTOR and Warner from Shatter me.

me to anyone who ships Jameson with Avery

A hate to love romance, kind of forbidden with angst, there is a obvious winner here. THE HOT DUDE WHO IS MEAN BUT really really hot and intimating.

I didn’t really feel the love triangle because I always rooted for Greyson. He is just perfect for Avery (and of course I really love a fictional bad boy…)


I KNEW HARRY HAD SOMTHING TO DO WITH THIS THE WHOLE TIME? Why would they mention him multiple times, If he wouldn’t be important. GOSH I KNEW IT.

The mom might still be connected and the Grandfather might still be alive… or maybe the end was talking about toby… idk.

Also this old man really cares this much about puzzles? I mean the hurt he put his family through… or atleast put Avery through lol… I guess that why he said sorry lol.

I do still think Avery still plays a big role into all this, there no way this was just because of her name. Something to do with Toby, her mom and The grandfather.

Also Nash and Libby is definitely going to get together… I honestly don’t like either of them too much… I just don’t trust them… I guess?

This book was just divine. All the characters and plot twists were just fantastic. I can’t wait until the second book comes out. I NEED TO KNOW. What all of the clues, Avery and puzzles really mean to the old Grandpa.


Hope you enjoyed this weird review!


One thought on “The Inheritance Games – Book Review *MAJOR SPOILERS*

  1. Yasss Grayson and Avery FTW lol.. samee, I agree with everything you said! Idk if it’s because I quickly read the book after *not fully recovering from a prev book hahhaha but I didn’t understand some parts :<<. Like there were monologues and thoughts qnd conversations that didn't add up. But then again, it could just be me haha¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Nonetheless, I love LOVE LOVED it! ❤

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