Normal People – Book review

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I am so disappointed.

I usually do a book synopsis but I really don’t know what even happened in this book.

The whole book is about their relationship developing over the course of high school through college.

In high school Marianne is a wealthy girl who is emotionally abused at home and bullied at school. In high school Connell is popular and in the working class with a single mother. They both start this secret relationship. Marianne loves Connell but he doesn’t feel the same way. He never really liked a girl and this relationship is no different. The problem I had with their relationship in high school was Connell leading Marianne on and they never really talked. It was always awkward not a sliver of romance.

There was always this social class issue throughout the book. Connell mother working as a cleaner for Marianne wealthy family. It felt like it could have been more expanded upon. They didn’t really mention issue and when they did it was in a quick conversation or thought.

In college, they meet again. Marianne is popular while Connell is feeling depressed. They break up, then make up over again. Increasingly both of their mental health get’s worse and change throughout the book.

Their whole relationship felt very toxic. Both yearning for each other but not communicating. This wouldn’t have been a big problem if by the end they communicated but NOTHING WAS FIXED. Don’t get me wrong I love a depressing ending. This wasn’t a depressing ending just a un-finished one. Poor Marianne, she deserved better. I felt no connection towards the characters and felt the couple had no chemistry.

This book definitely had me on my toes the whole time but at times it felt slow and when I reached the ending, it felt like I wasted my time. If your looking for a romance this is not the book for you. I was definitely interested in the two complex characters just not their relationship. I wished this book just had more.

-Sorry for this messy review. Hoped you enjoyed nevertheless


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