The Wedding Date- Book review

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I dnf this when I had 1 hour left on the audiobook.

When Alexa Monroe got stuck a elevator the last thing she expected to be stuck with a hot guy needing a date to a wedding.

Drew Nichols isn’t the type of guy to be in serious relationship but what if the funny, beautiful girl in the elevator changes that.

Alexa Monroe

She is a smart, business woman with a plan. I loved reading about her struggles being a black woman and her job. Her character was a strong and funny woman who loved donuts. I didn’t like how she didn’t listen, jumped to conclusions and never talked to her partner. (But more on that in a minute)

Drew Nichols

He is a funny, kind doctor. His character felt very real, had his mistakes and JERK moments. I loved hearing about his job and insecurity of being in a serious relationship. I didn’t like how he didn’t communicate with Alexa, used affection to try to solve everything and never told her anything about his real feelings.

He thinks “oh I will dump her next week”
*she comes over again and doesn’t break with her*
“I will dump her next week”
*She comes over again and he is in love also doesn’t break up with her*
“I can’t handle this and I should break up with her next week”
*He comes to her next week and you guessed it, doesn’t break up with her*


Steal your girl Carlos. If you read the book you know who I’m talking about. Hands down the best character. He was a great friend and deserves better.

Their relationship

IS TOXIC. Ok ok I have bullet points just get the main points across.

  • They don’t talk to each other just keep everything in that’s serious and assume everything which wouldn’t be a big problem if it didn’t happen over and over again.
  • Every-time they fight (it felt like they fought so many times throughout this book), they solve it by affection not talking .
  • Alexa is mad at Drew for not talking but she isn’t talking to him.
  • Drew is mad at Alexa for not talking but he isn’t talking to her.
  • They both acted kind of shady sometimes especially Drew and it was never talked about


They were both great people and interesting characters but not a good couple. I did dnf near the end because I wasn’t rooting for them at all to get back together. The book dragged out their relationship and fights for so long. The mis-communication got so old. I loved the interracial relationship aspect of this book and hearing about them separately but isn’t this whole book supposed be about their relationship.

Anyways, If you can look past the annoying fights and a sorta bad relationship, there is some good characters.


Hope you enjoyed this weird review lol

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